The Technology Transfer Accelerator (TTA) Turkey Project aiming to improve the capacity of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in Turkey, to increase commercialization of R&D activities as well as university and industry collaboration, among others, was finalized together with the closing conference held in Istanbul on 14 November 2017.
Morning Session welcomed the subject of “Technology Transfer Capacity Building” and Deniz Bayhan, Team Leader, TTA Turkey AdviSeNet, summarized TTA-Turkey Project Achievements and then TTO experts from ODTÜ, Erciyes, Fırat, Target, Selçuk, KOÇ, Bilkent, Atmosfer and Arinkom shared their experience –with 10 minutes presentations- from their US & FR Study Tours within the Project under the moderation of Doğan Taşkent, Business Development TTA-Turkey AdviSeNet.
Ersin Dereligil, our partner, moderated the second panel of “Implementation of IP Law & Compliance Practices”. After his brief introduction of recent Turkish IP Reform and invention disclosure process at Higher Education Institutes (HEI’s), he started debates with presentations of distinguished panelists Marc Sedam, TTO Director, University of New Hampshire & Board Member, AUTM, and Patrick Terroir, Patent and Technology Committee Chair at LESI, on ownership of inventions, technology transfer issues, revenue sharing and financial self-sustainability of the TTO.
Following panel subjects included “Associations: Critical for Improving Technology Transfer Efforts”, “VC Investments in Tech-Based Startups” “Keys to Managing Great Accelerators and Mentor Networks”, “Creating Your Own Business Angel Group.
You may reach conference book, presentations and videos, respectively, at
This conference was attended by nearly 100 participants and its program included 4 panels with over 25 presentations and started with welcoming remarks by Dr. A. Mete Çakmakcı, Secretary General of TTGV; Tuğberk Başkaya, Business Development Analyst, EIF; Dr. Mehmet Şahin Gök, Vice President, TÜBİTAK; Dr. Oğuz Hamşioğlu, Director General of EU and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science Industry and Technology; Gabriel Munuera Vinals, Deputy Head of Mission, EU Delegation to Turkey; and Dr. Faruk Özlü, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology.
The TTA Project
The Technology Transfer Accelerator - TTA Turkey is an initiative designed by the European Investment Fund (EIF) in cooperation with the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Turkey and the DG Regional Policy of the European Commission.
TTA Turkey Project is co-financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funds and managed by EIF on behalf of the Ministry. The IPA Competitive Sectors Programme is managed by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology.
One of the sub-components of TTA Turkey is the Advisory Services and Networking component for complementing and supporting the main objectives of this initiative. This “AdviSeNet” component is a two year project till December 2017 and implemented by the consortium of Türkiye Teknoloji Geliştirme Vakfı (TTGV), Bpifrance Financement (FR) and VentureWell (US), led by TTGV.